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Правила та умови

Умови використання цього веб-сайту були оновлені в 2024 році 22 січня.

Адміністратором цього сайту є компанія UAB "Intervilža" (код компанії 110342843) - компанія, зареєстрована в Литві, штаб-квартира якої знаходиться за адресою Savanorių pr. 151, LT-03150 Вільнюс, Литва, а веб-сайт доступний за адресою (надалі іменується «Веб-сайт»). Цей сайт призначений для фізичних та юридичних осіб.

Використовуючи цей веб-сайт, ви погоджуєтеся з тим, що ці Умови використання є обов’язковими для вас, і ви зобов’язуєтеся їх дотримуватися. UAB "Intervilža" залишає за собою право змінювати ці Умови користування веб-сайтом у будь-який час, оголосивши про такі зміни, включаючи дату їх вступу в силу, на цій сторінці. Щоб переглянути найновіші положення та умови, ви можете натиснути посилання «Умови та положення» внизу будь-якої сторінки цього веб-сайту.

Зміст веб-сайту, який надає UAB "Intervilža", має загальний характер. Незважаючи на те, що вміст було ретельно підготовлено, компанія не гарантує його точність і не несе відповідальності за будь-які помилки, упущення чи неточності. Щоб покластися на вміст, рекомендується провести незалежну перевірку.

UAB "Intervilža" надає дозвіл на перегляд або завантаження однієї копії матеріалів веб-сайту лише для особистого використання чи некомерційних дослідницьких цілей, але лише за умови, що ви включите таке повідомлення про авторські права: "Авторське право 2024, UAB "Intervilža". Усі права захищені."

Вміст і дизайн цього веб-сайту захищені авторським правом (та/або іншими правами інтелектуальної власності), які належать Intervilža UAB або ліцензовані третім особам-власникам авторських прав. Будь-яке використання Контенту, недозволене цими Умовами, може порушувати права інтелектуальної власності. Якщо ви порушите ці умови, ваш дозвіл на використання вмісту буде автоматично скасовано, і ви повинні будете знищити всі наявні у вас копії вмісту.

За винятком політики конфіденційності, усі повідомлення, матеріали або дані, надіслані користувачами через веб-сайт, стають власністю UAB "Intervilža". Компанія має право вільно використовувати, оприлюднювати, відтворювати чи поширювати цю інформацію незалежно від її виду, якщо інше не зазначено в інформаційному поданні.

Веб-сайт може містити посилання на інші веб-сайти або інформацію, надану третіми сторонами. UAB "Intervilža" не контролює цю інформацію або вміст інших веб-сайтів і не несе за це відповідальності. Користуючись цим веб-сайтом, ви погоджуєтеся з тим, що UAB "Intervilža" не несе відповідальності за зміст або точність веб-сайтів, на які посилаються. Ви використовуєте ці пов’язані сайти на власний ризик і відповідно до їхніх умов використання.

Ті, хто бажає надати посилання на цей веб-сайт, повинні отримати попередній письмовий дозвіл UAB "Intervilža".

Торгові марки, які використовуються на цьому веб-сайті, є торговими марками UAB "Intervilža", її підрозділів або ліцензовані третіми особами.

Діяльність цього сайту регулюється законодавством Литви. Суди литовської юрисдикції мають виключне право вирішувати будь-які суперечки, які можуть виникнути внаслідок використання цього веб-сайту. Ви погоджуєтеся з юрисдикцією судів Литви та відмовляєтесь від будь-яких заперечень проти будь-яких судових позовів або процесів таким судом або будь-яких позовів, які можуть бути подані в рамках такого позову чи процесу. Тим не менш, UAB "Intervilža" має право подавати судові позови за кордоном і примусово виконувати прийняті рішення.

UAB "Intervilža" не несе відповідальності та не несе юридичної відповідальності за вміст та/або веб-сайт, який не відповідає законам за межами юрисдикції Литви.

Цей веб-сайт може бути використаний громадськістю, але це дозволено лише за умови, що UAB "Intervilža" не несе відповідальності та не несе юридичної відповідальності за збитки чи збитки, заподіяні внаслідок використання цього веб-сайту чи його вмісту. Ці обмеження застосовуються у випадках порушення контракту, недбалості, цивільного правопорушення чи інших обставин і в повному обсязі, дозволеному законом.

Купівля та повернення



1.1. These rules for the purchase and sale of goods (hereinafter - the Rules) determine the general conditions for using the INOWOOD.LT online store (hereinafter - InoWood, e-store).  

1.2. The rules are applied when the InoWood customer (hereinafter - the Buyer) chooses, orders and buys the goods offered by InoWood or otherwise uses the services provided by the InoWood store.

1.3. The sale of goods in the InoWood store is organized, carried out and related services provided by Intervilža UAB, registered office address: Savanorių pr. 151, Vilnius, legal entity code 110342843, VAT taxpayer code LT103428413.

1.4. The buyer in these Rules is any person who buys goods in the InoWood online store. The following have the right to use the services of the e-store: a) able-bodied natural persons, that is, persons who have reached the age of majority, whose capacity is not limited by court order; b) legal entities acting through authorized representatives who have registered in the e-store in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Rules.

1.5. The buyer is not given the opportunity to place an order for goods in the InoWood store if he is not familiar with the Rules and/or does not agree with them. When the Buyer places an order in the InoWood store, it is considered that the Buyer has familiarized himself with and unconditionally agreed with the Rules.

1.6. InoWood reserves the right to suspend, at its own discretion, complete, change these Rules and other documents related to the Rules. Additions or changes to the rules take effect from the day they are published, that is, from the day they are placed in the e-shop system.

1.7. If the Buyer continues to use the services provided by the e-store after the amendment of the Rules, it is considered that the Buyer agrees with the new edition of the Rules, partial changes or additions.




2.1. In order to purchase the goods offered in the InoWood store, the Buyer must provide the following personal data of the Buyer: name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, billing address and the address where the goods will be delivered, and other data necessary for the delivery of the goods. The authorized representative of the legal entity shall additionally provide the name of the legal entity.

2.2. It is prohibited for the same person to register and use the services provided by the e-shop under several names.

2.3. The buyer undertakes not to transfer his registration and login data to third parties. The Buyer is responsible for saving the login data created by him, InoWood is not responsible for the actions of third parties performed using the login data created by the Buyer. If a third person connects to the online store using the Buyer's login data, InoWood considers him a Buyer.

2.4. The buyer must provide complete and correct data in the e-store registration or product order, contact or inquiry form.

2.5. By registering, the Buyer simultaneously grants InoWood the right to collect, accumulate, systematize, use and process for the purposes set out in these Rules all and any personal data that the Buyer directly or indirectly provides when registering and visiting the InoWood store and using its services. InoWood is the controller of personal data provided by each Buyer, as defined in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

2.6. The Buyer's personal data will be used to identify the Buyer, carry out the sale and delivery of goods, issue accounting documents, return overpayments and/or money for goods returned by the Buyer, administer debts, fulfill other obligations arising from the purchase and sale agreement and ensure the Buyer's access to other InoWood stores services.

2.7. The personal data provided by the buyer when registering in the e-store or when purchasing goods or sending a request form without registration are stored and processed in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulating the processing and protection of this data.

2.8. The Buyer must familiarize himself with the "Privacy Policy" approved by the Seller and described in the appendix to these Rules. The Buyer expresses consent or disagreement with specific ways of using the Buyer's personal data in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Privacy Policy by sending information by e-mail. by mail




3.1. The product prices and product range specified in the e-store product catalog are valid only when purchasing these products in the InoWood e-store. The prices of goods in the e-shop are indicated after including value added tax (VAT). The delivery price is not included and is indicated separately when forming a commercial offer.

3.2. The electronic product catalog is not a specific commercial offer, the indicated prices and quantities are indicative and may vary due to supply disruptions or similar circumstances. In the event that the product balance is limited, after receiving the Buyer's order, InoWood managers send the final offer. If the balance of the goods is insufficient during the execution of the order, the Buyer will be contacted via the specified contacts.

3.3. InoWood has the right unilaterally, without separate notification, to change the prices of goods and conditions of shares, to cancel shares.

3.3. The purchase - sale agreement between the Buyer and InoWood is considered to be concluded from the moment the Buyer creates a shopping cart in the e-shop, specifies the delivery address, chooses the payment method and familiarizes himself (after reading, ticks the box "I have familiarized myself with and agrees with the "Rules for the purchase - sale of goods" and "Privacy Policy"), clicks the button "Send order" and when the Buyer receives the commercial offer sent by the manager of InoWood and the invoice for advance payment and fulfills the conditions personally agreed in advance.

3.4. If the Buyer does not pay within 5 (five) working days according to the submitted commercial offer and invoice for prepayment by transfer or in cash, it is considered that the buyer has abandoned the purchase-sale contract (unless otherwise agreed).




4.1. The buyer has the right to purchase goods from InoWood in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules.

4.2. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules.

4.3. The buyer has the right to exchange or return the purchased goods in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules.

4.4. The buyer undertakes to comply with these Rules, the Privacy Policy and not to violate the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

4.5. The buyer must pay for the ordered goods and accept them in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules. After choosing to pick up the goods at the InoWood store, the Buyer must pick them up at the selected InoWood store within the terms specified in the Rules. After choosing the delivery of the goods to the specified address, the Buyer must be at the specified place at the specified time and accept the ordered goods.




5.1. InoWood has the right to suspend or terminate the activities of InoWood. In this case, all accepted and confirmed Buyers' orders are terminated and new orders are not accepted.

5.2. InoWood has the right to cancel the Buyer's order without prior notice if the Buyer, having chosen the payment methods provided for in clauses 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 of the Rules, does not pay for the goods within the specified term.

5.3. If the buyer chooses the payment method provided for in point 6.1.2 of the rules, InoWood has the right to contact the buyer with the details specified in the order if there are any uncertainties regarding the information provided in the order. In this case, the term of delivery of the goods starts counting from the day of contact with the Buyer. InoWood has the right to cancel the Buyer's order without prior notice if InoWood fails to contact the Buyer within 2 (two) business days after placing the order or if the Buyer does not provide InoWood with the information requested by the specified deadline.

5.4. If false, inaccurate, misleading or not all the requested data is provided during registration or later, or if the Buyer does not comply with other obligations stipulated in these Rules, InoWood has the right to immediately cancel the registration and delete the Buyer's data or limit the Buyer's right to use the services provided by the e-store. The Buyer is responsible for the consequences caused by incorrect data provided by the Buyer.

5.5. InoWood reserves the right, without prior warning, to suspend or terminate the Buyer's registration and use of the e-shop services, if there is reason to believe that the Buyer is engaged in illegal activities or otherwise tries to harm the work or stable operation of the e-shop.

5.6. InoWood undertakes to provide the Buyer with the opportunity to use the services provided by the e-store under the conditions set out in these Rules.

5.7. InoWood undertakes to respect the Buyer's privacy, to process the Buyer's personal data only in accordance with the Rules, Privacy Policy and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

5.8. Under the conditions stipulated in the rules, InoWood undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer and to accept the goods returned by the Buyer.

5.9. InoWood, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, being unable to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer, undertakes to offer the Buyer an analogous or similar product as far as possible. If the buyer refuses to accept the offered product, InoWood undertakes to return the money paid within 5 (five) working days, if prepayment was made, in this case, the order is canceled and the sales contract is terminated.




6.1. You can pay for the goods:

6.1.1. by advance bank transfer when paying within 3 (three) working days after placing the order and providing information about the payment by e-mail. by mail 

6.1.2. in cash or by bank card in the InoWood store.

6.2. If the bill is not paid by the Buyer, but by another person or company, the Buyer must enter the payer's data in the notes of the order form, and the Buyer's data and order number are entered in the payment destination field of the payment order.

6.3. When forming (coordinating) an order for non-standard dimensions/products, the order is considered accepted only after payment of 50%. total order value, and the delivery/production time is negotiated separately. The goods are delivered/transferred to the buyer only after full payment for the entire order. In this case, refuse the spec. the order is not possible or there is an order cancellation (non-delivery) fee equal to 20%. value of the order (but at least €300).




7.1. Delivery costs are not included in the price specified in the e-store, they are indicated separately, as provided for in point 3.1 of the Rules.

7.2. A delivery fee is applied to the delivery of the goods, and the term is negotiated separately in each case. Goods are delivered to the object without loading/delivery services, unless separately agreed.

7.3. If the goods are in stock after receiving the order (this is always confirmed by a separate letter from the representative of InoWood), InoWood undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by you after final payment to the address specified in your order in the territory of Lithuania within 14 (fourteen) working days, paying for the goods in accordance with Clause 6.1 of these Rules;

7.4. If after accepting the order, the stock of the goods is insufficient or they are produced according to a special order, InoWood undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by you to the address specified in the order in the territory of Lithuania within the individually agreed term and specified in the commercial offer, paying for the goods according to the conditions specified in the commercial offer.

7.5. InoWood products are delivered by an authorized representative. After the buyer signs the consignment note, it is considered that the consignment has been transferred (delivered) correctly and is of suitable quality.

7.6. During the delivery of the goods, together with the InoWood authorized representative, the Buyer must check the condition of the goods shipment. Upon noticing a violation of the shipment, the Buyer must mark it in the shipment's waybill and write a free-form shipment violation deed. If the buyer signs the consignment note without comments, it is considered that the shipment has been delivered in good order. If the delivered product does not include any parts or documents, the Buyer must immediately inform InoWood about this.

7.7. If the Buyer has not ordered the product delivery service to the specified location, in this case, the Buyer must come to the InoWood goods pick-up location at the time specified by InoWood and at the specified address, and collect the ordered goods. When picking up the goods, the ordered goods are handed over to the Buyer with the original packaging (if the goods are packed) and the Buyer must sign the delivery note that he has received the goods.

7.8. If the buyer does not come to InoWood at the specified time to collect the product from the collection point, it will be stored for no longer than 5 (five) working days, and the new collection time must be coordinated with InoWood in advance. If the Buyer collects the goods from the collection point more than 5 (five) working days late, for each subsequent day of storage of the goods until its collection, the Buyer may be charged a storage fee for the goods (2% of the value of the goods for each day of storage, but not less than €15 (fifteen euros)). If the Buyer is late in collecting the goods for more than 30 days, InoWood sends the Buyer a warning of its intention to terminate the sales contract within the next 5 (five) working days. If the buyer does not respond to the warning, InoWood terminates the sales contract, deducts from the money paid by the buyer for the goods the costs of its storage, which cannot be less than €15 (fifteen euros) for each overdue working day, and returns the remaining amount of money to the specified bank account .




8.1. All goods are subject to the manufacturer's warranty terms. The general warranty period for goods is 24 months.

8.2. In case of inadequate quality of goods, you must immediately contact InoWood by e-mail. by mail or come to the central office at Savanorių pr. 151, LT-03150 Vilnius (UAB "Intervilža"). 

8.3. If it is determined that the product is mechanically damaged, was operated in violation of the manufacturer's recommendations, as well as in case of incorrect installation, claims regarding the quality of the goods are not accepted.

8.4. When submitting a warranty product, the buyer must provide a valid document confirming the purchase of the product (purchase receipt or invoice).




9.1. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase-sale contract by notifying InoWood about it in writing by e-mail.   within 14 (fourteen) working days from the day of product delivery.

9.2. The returned item must be fully assembled and not lose its merchandise appearance. The buyer is responsible for the full assembly of the product. If the product is not fully assembled, it is not accepted for return.

9.3. When a defective product is returned, InoWood undertakes to accept the defective product and, in the absence of the Buyer's objection, replace it with an analogous or similar product within a pre-agreed period. If the buyer objects to the exchange of a low-quality product with a high-quality product, we will return the money paid for the low-quality product within 5 working days after the return of the goods.

9.4. If the goods are not delivered by InoWood representatives (the Buyer transported the goods with his own transport), the Buyer takes care of the return of the goods (delivery to the seller).

9.5. In order to cancel the purchase-sale contract, the buyer must notify the contract cancellation in writing to the contact addresses specified in Clause 9.1 of the Rules within the time limit specified in the Rules. The Buyer receives a notification about the contract cancellation confirmation at the specified e-mail address. by post If the Buyer receives confirmation within 1 working day, the Buyer must contact InoWood again by phone. If the buyer refuses the purchase-sale agreement, within 3 (three) working days he must e-mail coordinate with InoWood by mail the method of returning the goods (all issues of picking up, transporting and other transportation of the goods to the place indicated by InoWood). In this case, the Buyer must return the purchased Product that meets the requirements of Clause 9.2 of the Rules. Upon cancellation of the purchase-sale agreement, the money paid for the Product will be returned within 5 (five) working days from the day of the Product's return and condition assessment.

9.6. The buyer does not have the right to withdraw from the purchase-sale contract if:

9.6.1. The product has been damaged by using the product, its appearance has changed substantially; changes to the appearance of the packaging, which were necessary to inspect the received product, are not considered as essential changes to the appearance of the product.

9.6.2. The goods were specially made to the Buyer's order, ie in non-standard lengths (unless separately agreed in the return conditions).




10.1. The buyer sends all notifications to InoWood at the email address 

10.2. InoWood sends all deliveries to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer or by SMS message to the phone number specified by the Buyer.

10.3. These Rules are drawn up in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. 10.4. All disagreements arising from the implementation of these Rules shall be resolved through negotiations. If it is not possible to reach an agreement within 30 (thirty) days, disputes are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

10.5 Each Buyer (user) has the right to resolve disputes with InoWood electronically, without going to court. First of all, the Buyer must apply in writing to InoWood, if within 14 days of receiving the claim, InoWood does not respond to the Buyer's claim, or the Buyer is not satisfied with InoWood's response, the Buyer can apply to the entity dealing with consumer disputes out of court, i.e. the State Consumer Rights Protection Service (Vilniaus st. 25, 01402 Vilnius, email , phone 8 5 2626751, website ), or to its territorial units in the counties

Політика конфіденційності



1. Personal data, Data - any information about the User whose identity is determined or whose identity can be determined.

2. Stores - UAB "Intervilža" stores located at the following addresses: Savanorių pr. 151, Vilnius.

3. Electronic store – UAB "Intervilža" electronic store 

4. IP Address - Each computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. Because these numbers are usually assigned by country block, an IP address can often be used to identify the country from which a computer connects to the Internet.

5. Intervilža – UAB "INTERVILŽA", legal entity code 110342843, VAT taxpayer code LT103428413, registration/correspondence address Savanorių pr. 151, LT-03150 Vilnius, data is collected and stored by the Republic of Lithuania VĮ "Registrų centras".

6. InoWood - a brand of wood-plastic composite products used in Intervilža.

7. InoWood accounts are InoWood accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks, which provide information about InoWood products and share content made public by Users.

8. Account - the result of the User's registration on the Website, which creates an account that stores his personal data and order history.

9. Services - all services provided to the User on the InoWood Website, Online Store, and Stores.

10. Privacy policy – ​​this privacy policy, which provides the basic rules for the collection, accumulation, processing and storage of Personal data, applies to Users when using the Website, Electronic Store and/or providing Services in Stores.

11. Cookies are small text documents with a unique identification number that are transferred from the Website to the hard drive of the User's computer, so that the Website administrator can distinguish the User's computer and see his activities on the Internet.

12. Website – Inowood's website, whose address is

13. Password - a unique combination of letters and numbers created by the User and known only to him, which is entered for the first time when registering on the Website, and then to log in to the Account.

14. Rules - valid rules for buying and selling Goods in the online store have been approved.

15. Direct marketing - activity aimed at offering goods or services to individuals by mail, telephone or other direct means and/or asking for their opinion on the offered goods or services.

16. User - a natural person who visited the InoWood Website, used the services of the Electronic Store, the Store, and whose Data is processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.




17. The Privacy Policy regulates the basic principles and procedure of the User's personal data processing.

18. The processing of the User's Personal Data is determined by this Privacy Policy, and to the extent that it does not regulate it, 2016. April 27 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter - the "Regulation"), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.

19. Users can familiarize themselves with the Privacy Policy on the Website.

20. The data controller according to this Privacy Policy is Intervilža. 21. By specifying his personal data on the Website, Electronic Store, Store, the User agrees that Intervilža will manage and process them for the purposes, means and procedure provided for in this privacy policy and legal acts.

22. The provision of certain registration data is necessary and without providing them, the User will not be able to use the Services. By registering on the Website, in the Electronic Store, the User confirms that the specified personal data are accurate and correct.

23. Intervilža does not assume responsibility for inaccurate, incomplete or wrongly submitted User data.




24. Intervilža respects every User's right to privacy. Intervilža takes all organizational and technical measures available to it to ensure that the User's personal data is safe, and data processing actions comply with the requirements of data protection legislation and Intervilža policy.

25. Intervilža collects and processes the User's personal data on the following legal grounds:

25.1. The user gives his consent, that is, he agrees to comply with the use of the Website, the rules of the Electronic Store (rules for buying and selling goods) and the Privacy Policy;

25.2 Intervilza for legitimate interests;

25.3. A contract is concluded or executed where one of the parties is a data subject;

25.4. Pursuant to a legal obligation.

25.5. In the scope and conditions provided for by the applicable legal acts, one or more of the above-mentioned legal bases may be applied to the processing of the same User's personal data.


26. Intervilža processes the following User data:


27. InoWood records information (cookies) on the User's computer (device) for the identification of the visitor as a former user of the Electronic Store, for the preservation of information about the goods placed in the User's shopping cart, for the collection of Electronic Store attendance statistics.

28. The user may not consent to the recording and use of information (cookies) on his computer (device) or withdraw his consent by changing the settings of the Internet browser, but in this case some functions of the website may not be available to him.

29. More about cookies, their use and refusal - See In the cookie policy.



30. UAB Intervilža receives only the data provided directly by the User: when filling in the account profile data, when purchasing goods in the Electronic store, in the Store, when submitting requests.


VI . Log files

Intervilza follows a standard procedure for using log files. These files record visitors when they visit websites. All hosting companies do this, and it's part of hosting analytics. Information collected in the log files includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and possibly the number of clicks. This data is not linked to any personally identifiable information. The purpose of this information is to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movement on the site and collect demographic information.



31. Intervilža may transfer the User's personal data for processing to third parties who assist in the execution and administration of the Services, such persons may be cargo delivery service providers, service sub-suppliers, database software providers, database administration service providers, data center, hosting and cloud providers service providers, direct marketing service providers, market research or business analytics service providers, etc.

32. Intervilža provides the data processor only as much data as is necessary to fulfill a specific order or provide a specific service. Data processors can process the User's personal data only according to Intervilža's instructions and cannot use it for other purposes or transfer it to other persons without Intervilža's consent. They must ensure data security in accordance with applicable legislation and written agreements with us.

33. If the event described in the Request can be recognized as an insurance event, Intervilža transfers the User's request and data to the insurance company(s) in which we have insured our civil liability, property, or which provides us with a different policy for the event named in the User's request. related insurance coverage. Insurance companies act as independent data controllers and process data in accordance with the conditions and rules established by the insurance company.

34. Data may also be provided to competent authorities or law enforcement agencies, such as the police or supervisory authorities, but only upon their request and only when required by applicable legislation or in the cases and procedures provided for by legislation, in order to ensure our rights, our the safety of customers, employees and resources, to assert, provide and defend legal claims.

35. If Intervilža uses a website analysis service (e.g. Google Analytics), which is used to determine how the User uses the information provided on the website, we may exchange the User's personalized data with third parties who rely on this information to assess how the website is used when preparing websites reports for operators about website activity and providing other services related to the use of the website, internet and mobile application.



36. The user has the right to:

36.1. get acquainted with his personal data being processed: get confirmation as to whether Intervilža is processing his personal data, get acquainted with the processed data, get information about the purposes of data processing, the period of data processing, the source of data acquisition, automated decision-making;

36.2. demand correction, change, clarification of information if the data provided in the User's registration has changed or if the User believes that the information about him/her processed by Intervilža is inaccurate or incorrect;

36.3. withdraw your consent at any time and the data processing based on the User's consent will be terminated. In certain cases, this may mean that Intervilža will not be able to provide the opportunity to continue using its Services;

36.4. demand that Intervilža unreasonably immediately delete personal data related to the User, if this can be justified by one of the following reasons:

36.4.1. personal data are no longer necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

36.4.2. The user withdraws the consent on which the processing of personal data is based, and there is no other legal basis for processing personal data;

36.4.3. The user does not agree to the processing of data according to and there are no overriding legal reasons for processing the data;

36.4.4. personal data were processed illegally;

36.4.5. personal data must be deleted in accordance with the legal obligation established by the law of the European Union or the Republic of Lithuania.

36.5. require Intervilža to limit the processing of personal data when one of the following cases applies:

36.5.1. The user disputes the accuracy of personal data for such a period during which Intervilža can verify the accuracy of personal data;

36.5.2 the processing of the personal data is unlawful and the User does not consent to the deletion of the personal data and instead requests the restriction of its use;

36.5.3. Intervilža no longer needs personal data for the purposes specified in point 26 of these Rules, but the User needs them in order to assert, fulfill or defend legal claims;

36.6. to request the transfer of data, processed in accordance with the User's consent and processed using automated means, to the data controller. In this case, Intervilža will provide the data requested by the User to be transferred in the format normally used by its systems and readable by a computer.

36.7. submit a complaint to the supervisory authority - the State Data Protection Inspectorate by completing and submitting a complaint in the prescribed form.


CCPA Privacy Rights

Under the CCPA, among other rights, consumers have the right to:

• require that the company collecting the user's personal data discloses what categories and what specific personal data about the users it has collected.

• require the company to delete all user personal data collected by the company.

• require that the company that sells the user's personal data does not sell the user's personal data.

If you submit a request, we must respond within a month. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.


GDPR data protection rights

We would like to make sure that you are aware of all your data protection rights. Each user has the following rights:

Right of access - you have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge a small fee for this service.

Right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to correct any information that you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request the addition of information that you consider to be incomplete.

Right to erasure - you have the right to request that we erase your personal data under certain conditions.

Right to restrict data processing - under certain conditions, you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data.

The right to object to data processing - under certain conditions, you have the right to object to us processing your personal data.

Right to data portability - you have the right to request that we transfer the data we collect to another organization or directly to you under certain conditions.

If you submit a request, we must respond within a month. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.


Information regarding children's use of the website

Our next priority is to ensure the safety of children when using the Internet. We encourage parents and guardians to monitor, participate and/or control their online activities. does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If you believe that your child has submitted such information on our site, we urge you to contact us immediately, and we will do everything possible to have such information removed from our records immediately.



37. Upon receiving the User's request to provide data or exercise other User rights, Intervilža will be obliged to determine the User's identity. In order to exercise the above rights of the data subject, the person must submit a written request (by filling out the request form on the website, submitting the request to the address specified in Section X, point 40 of this Policy in person or by means of electronic communications (signing with a secure electronic signature)).

38. Intervilža undertakes, upon receiving the User's request for the implementation of any of his rights as a data subject and after the User has successfully completed the verification procedure specified in Clause 37 of these Rules, without undue delay, but in any case no later than within one month from the receipt of the User's request and the completion of the verification procedure , to provide the User with information about the actions taken by Intervilža in accordance with the User's request. Taking into account the complexity and number of requests, Intervilža has the right to extend the one-month period by another month, informing the User of this before the end of the first month and specifying the reasons for such an extension.

39. If the User submits a request by electronic means, Intervilža will provide the answer by electronic means, except in cases where this is impossible (for example: due to an extremely large volume of information) or if the User requests to submit the answer in a different way.



40. For all data processing issues, you can contact us in the following ways:

by e-mail:

by calling: +370 683 51568


Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:

email email address 

Mailing address:

UAB "Intervilža", to the Data Protection Officer

Savanorių pr. 151, LT-03150 Vilnius



41. Personal data is stored no longer than is necessary. The term of personal data storage is determined in accordance with the General Document Storage Index (hereinafter referred to as the Index) approved by order of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

42. Personal data, the storage term of which is not provided in the Index, is stored according to the terms specified in this Policy.

43. Other personal data, the retention period of which is not provided for in the Index or this Policy - no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes of personal data processing specified in this Policy.

44. Longer than specifically specified in this Policy, the storage of the User's personal data can only be carried out when: - it is necessary for Intervilža to be able to defend itself against demands, claims or lawsuits and exercise its rights; - there are reasonable suspicions of an illegal act, due to which there are an investigation is being conducted; – User data is necessary for the proper resolution of a dispute, complaint; – for backup copies and other similar purposes; – if there are other grounds provided for in legal acts.



45. This Policy is valid from 2024. January 22 After this Policy is changed, its updated version will be published on the website

Slapukų politika

Політика щодо файлів cookie

1. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file or piece of software sent to your device that stores information related to your browsing history and a set of data about your device's Internet usage. It is controlled by your internet browser; sometimes it has a unique random number. You can read it, destroy it, or change it.


2. Why do we use cookies?

We are always looking for new ways to improve our website and offer better services. Therefore, we use below in the section “6. What type of cookies are used?" describing the different types of cookies. Necessary cookies: These cookies are necessary for you to browse the website and use its functions, such as access to secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, your desired services, such as online shopping, would not be possible. For the use of functional cookies and the provision of services. Cookies are essential for the functioning of the website and electronic services, and they ensure a smooth experience for the user. For example, if the user so wishes, he does not need to enter his name, surname, password or other data every time he connects. For the development of services. By monitoring the use of cookies, we can improve the functioning of the website and electronic services. We receive information such as which parts of the website are the most popular, which websites you connect to from our website, from which websites you connect to our website and how much time you spend on our website. For usage analysis. Cookies are used to collect statistical data on the number of users visiting the website and the use of electronic services and to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising. For targeted marketing guidance. We can also use cookies to collect information to deliver browser-specific advertising or content, creating different target groups.


3. How do we inform about the cookies used?

The first time you connect to the website, a notification about the use of cookies is presented. If you agree with the use of cookies, you click the "I agree" button or you can continue browsing. You can withdraw your consent at any time by changing your internet browser settings and deleting saved cookies.


4. How is consent given for the use of cookies?

By using the website and clicking the "I AGREE" button in the information line at the bottom, you confirm that you agree and allow the website manager to save cookies on your end device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). Please note that by using the website, you also you agree and confirm that all data related to your activity on the website can be used by Google above "2. Why do we use cookies?” for the listed purposes.


5. How to refuse cookies and/or uninstall them?

You can manage and/or uninstall cookies yourself. You can uninstall cookies in two ways. You can view the cookies already installed on your computer in your browser and delete them one by one or all at once. The steps to be taken are different (e.g. in the Mozilla Firefox browser, you should select ︙ at the top right of the page, then "Settings", then click "Show advanced settings" at the bottom of the page, then "Privacy" ( Click "Content settings" in the "Privacy" section. Then, to delete all cookies at once, click "All cookies and site data" in the "Cookies" section, select " Remove all" (Remove all), finally press "Done" at the bottom right, and to remove cookies one by one, in the "Cookies" section you need to go to the name of the corresponding cookie and press "x" on the right.), so specific the steps to be taken should be determined according to the browser you use. You can also set your web browser to block cookies or to receive a warning about the installation of any cookie. The actions to be taken are different for each browser, so the specific actions to be taken should be determined depending on the browser you use. The browser can be set separately for each device you use. We note that uninstalling or blocking cookies used on the website may affect the operation of the website and some its functionalities, as well as negatively affect your use of the services available on the website.


6. What type of cookies are used?

Cookies can be "session cookies", which are used only while you browse the Internet and are automatically deleted after closing the browser, "persistent cookies", i.e. those stored on your end device ( computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) until the cookie expires or you refuse the cookie using one of the methods described above "5. How to refuse cookies and/or uninstall them", or "third-party cookies", that is, those used by a person who is not the operator of the website.

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